Sharing Thoughts…

Business study under Carol’s tutelage takes on a truly holistic approach. I have learned that in order to be successful, business must be a seamless and natural extension of personal vision, values and health; a fundamental aspect of social involvement and responsibility. Her instruction has provided in depth understanding of the many and varied aspects of successful business practice. Such understanding was frequently grounded in personal experience and common sense, demystifying the “practice” and bringing about a profound awareness for that which makes good business sense. Carol takes a personal interest in the wellbeing and success of everyone she deals with. Her coaching goes well beyond the classroom to individual sessions wherein personal issues and aspirations, business plans and obstacles are all brought to the surface for scrutiny and response. She has proven herself a true friend acutely insightful in the matters of business and human nature.

M.C., Self-Employed Business Owner

Carol has made a substantial contribution in the role of business coach. Participants have received extremely valuable support from Carol as they launch a new life through the development of their small businesses. Carol’s extensive and varied experience in the field of business and self-employment make her a key resource for new entrepreneurs. She provides excellent guidance both in technical skill areas as well as personal management strategies. Above all, Carol consistently demonstrates true care and enthusiasm for others, their ideas and dreams. The success of our clients relies heavily on Carol’s expertise, life experience and empathetic spirit of entrepreneurial energy.

R.V., Program Administrator

Made me laugh,
Made me cry,
Made me think,
Made me try,
Opened my mind
Opened my eyes
Opened my brain to a whole new way of thinking
Showed me what was possible
Taught me how to make it achievable.


Ten days to experience support, knowledge, skills, confidence and passion.
Verbal praise….
Intelligent, insightful, incredible, powerful facilitator…


If I stood here thanking you a million times, that still wouldn’t be enough.


Such a calm style, passionate, no reliance on theatre, a quiet, gentle process and then you arrive somewhere important without the stress of the journey; finding lots of energy I didn’t think I had; haven’t laughed so much in a long time, thank you.


We have worked with Carol for many years. She has taken us from a home-based, one-employee company to a giant leap of a 21 employee, Calgary based, multi-million dollar business. Among human resource issues, policies, procedures and financials, Carol has coached us through it all. Her valuable business insight has helped our company’s great success.

Terry & Nancy S.

The loss of some of our key company’s employees seemed devastating at first. Upon a recommendation, we called Carol Coffey, certified business coach, and haven’t looked back. Carol quickly refocused the management group, helped employees with their concerns, opened lines of communication and compiled information, which is helping the company to move forward. We know that a professional like Carol Coffey was the key to quicker recovery and implementation of steps for a stronger, more stable company in the future.

Brent – WN

I have attended a lot of training in my time, but Carol’s sessions gave me more insight into business behaviors and motivation, particularly my own than any that I have experienced before…..


Amazing and inspirational. Her very ‘human’ approach is incredibly powerful and compelling.

Simon P

I was honored that I was asked by the ownership of the company to be a part of this process. Carol coached, guided and empowered me and I in turn coached, guided and empowered the rest of the people on my team. I even applied what I had learned through Carol to employees of other associated companies. I have seen incredible changes in people as a result of this. The entire process has brought with it a wonderful sense of accomplishment.
I feel honored and privileged to have had the experience of working with Carol. What I have learned through working with Carol I will use for the rest of my life. I have not only applied this to work but to my personal life as well. I will always be thankful for having had this opportunity.

K.U. – Accounting & Systems Manager